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🌿 Submission Checklist

  • Read the provided instructions to ensure your manuscript aligns with the formatting requirements.
  • Address ethical, copyright, authorship, formatting, data, and references-related requirements before submission.
  • Verify that your manuscript is within the scope of this journal to assess its suitability for publication.
  • Follow the submission guidelines to expedite the review and publication process.
  • Prepare all necessary supplementary materials as per the journal’s requirements.
  • Double-check the accuracy of all citations, references, and figures included in your submission.
  • Proofread your manuscript to eliminate grammatical errors and improve clarity.
  • Confirm that all authors have approved the submitted manuscript.
  • Submit your manuscript through the designated platform or contact the editorial office for further assistance.

Instructions for Authors:

Submission Process:

  • Only the submitting author can submit a Microsoft Word file through our manuscript submission system.
  • The submitting author is responsible for the manuscript during submission and peer review.
  • There is no page limit for submissions.
  • When preparing manuscripts, use text font size 12, Times New Roman, line spacing of 1.5, and continuous line numbers.

Peer Review Policy:

  • All submissions undergo rigorous peer review by subject experts.
  • Initial screening is performed by the Editor-In-Chief.
  • Following initial screening, manuscripts may undergo formal peer review with up to two reviewers.
  • The final decision on the manuscript is made by the editorial board (Assigned Academic Editor and EIC).
  • Feedback and comments on the peer review process are anonymous.

Publication Ethics:

  • Plagiarism is strictly monitored to maintain publication integrity.
  • Plagiarism is defined as reproducing another’s work by at least 25% without citation.
  • Authors are given a chance to defend against plagiarism allegations; unsatisfactory defenses may result in retraction and further actions.
  • If the study involves animal or human subjects, authors must provide the Institutional Review Board (IRB) report as part of their submission.
  • Concerns regarding ethical conduct should be reported to the Editor-In-Chief.

For any inquiries, please contact

Article Processing Charges (APC):

The Article Processing Charge for JPCT is $250. All JPCT articles are open access and subject to an APC if accepted. The APC covers converting a manuscript into an article, including hosting costs. The APC is billed to the submitting author upon acceptance. There are no other fees besides the APC, and no refunds will be issued after publication. The APC is due once accepted for publication.


JPCT may provide full or partial waivers of APCs based on the corresponding author’s affiliation to support researchers from low-to-middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank.

Article Writing Format:

Title and Authorship Information: Manuscript Title, Full Author Names, Full Institutional Mailing Addresses, Email Addresses

Abstract: Self-Contained, Citation-Free, Up to 200 words

Key Words: 5-6 Words

Introduction: Background information, a literature review with citations, and study objectives.

Materials and Methods: Can be combined or separated.

Results and Discussion: Can be combined or separated.

Conclusions: Clearly explain the main conclusion of the article, highlighting importance and relevance.

Conflict of Interests: Declaration and explanation if present. If none, state: “The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.”

Funding Statement: State how the article was funded. If through employment, mention the employer.

Acknowledgments: Before references. Include non-author contributors.


  • Use Zotero Reference Manager and AMA citation style.
  • Different citation formats for Journal Articles, Package Inserts, Books/Book Chapters, Websites, and USP-NF references.

Journal Article

Author. Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Vol(Issue):page numbers. DOI Number

Hossain MF, Ratliff A, Funk M, Oliver D. Prospects and Challenges of using Autocompounder in a 503A Pharmacy for non-sterile compounding: A Comparative Study. J Pharm Compd Ther. 2024;1(1):1-6.

Package insert

Drug name [package insert]. Publisher City, State: Publisher. URL. Published date. Accessed date.

COREG (carvedilol) tablets for oral use [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline. September 2017. Accessed January 4, 2024.

Book/Book Chapter

Author(s), Editors. Title of Book. Publisher; year.

Elder Deborah Lester. A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice and Compounding. 4th Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 2017

Loyd V. Allen Jr. The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 6th Edition. Chapter 14: Lozenges, Troches, and Films. The American Pharmacists Association; 2020. doi:10.21019/9781582123578.ch14


Author(s). Publisher. Page Title. URL. Accessed date

CDER. FDA. Human Drug Compounding. Accessed January 3, 2024.


United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. General Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Nonsterile Preparations. Accessed January 3, 2024.

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