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For Editors and Reviewers

🌿For Editors 

Current Editorial Board Members:

Randy Mullins, B.S. (Biology & Minor in Chemistry), B.S.(Pharmacy), PharmD
Academic Guest Editor and Advisor
Associate Professor and Department Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Appalachian College of Pharmacy, VA, USA.

Edgar F. Talbott III, PharmD
Academic Editor
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Appalachian College of Pharmacy, USA. Academic Editor

Dr. Md. Khairul Islam, MBBS, MCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Medicine), Gold Medalist
Academic Editor
Physician, Internal medicine at Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Kannan Jakkan, B.S. & M.S. (Chemistry), Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry)
Editor, Pharmaceutical Industry 
Director, Quality Control at Novitium Pharma, NJ, USA. 

Faisal Hossain, BPharm, MPharm, Ph.D. 
Assistant  Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Appalachian College of Pharmacy, VA, USA.  [Google Scholar

All editorial positions within our journal are voluntary. Are you interested in becoming an editor, or do you wish to suggest a colleague?  If you have any inquiries regarding the editorial process or wish to become an editor, kindly reach out to us at

Handling Process of Manuscripts:
1. The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) conducts the initial screening of submitted manuscripts.
2. An academic editor may be appointed post-initial screening if the manuscript aligns with our scope and is free of misconduct.
3. All manuscripts undergo a formal peer review process involving up to 2 reviewers. 
4. The editor and EIC and the Editor, make the final decision on the manuscript based on quality of the article and reviewer comments.

Editorial or opinion articles, typically authored by field experts or individuals with profound knowledge in a specific area, express personal opinions or viewpoints. While these articles undergo some level of editorial review, they do not undergo the same rigorous process as scientific research articles.


  • Manuscripts under peer review are treated confidentially, with no information shared outside the review process.
  • Editors must refrain from using details from manuscripts until publication.
  • Feedback and comments regarding the peer review process are kept confidential.

Publication Ethics:

  • Peer review is founded on trust and voluntary engagement, with ethical conduct expected from all involved.
  • Transparent peer review policies are established by the journal, and reviewers are required to conduct reviews ethically and responsibly. Any concerns should be reported to the Editor-In-Chief.

🌿 For  Reviewers

Applications to Become a Reviewer

We welcome applications from individuals interested in joining our community of peer reviewers. To apply to become a reviewer for the American Journal of Natural Medicines, please contact us at

Instructions for Reviewers:

Reviewers are expected to provide a detailed critique of the submission, going beyond brief comments. Guidelines for reviewers include:

  • Ensuring that author instructions were followed
  • Assessing adherence to ethical standards and research integrity
  • Verifying originality of the study as much as possible
  • Evaluating the validity of research questions
  • Checking for ethics committee approval, where necessary
  • Assessing the appropriateness of statistical analysis
  • Reviewing for structural and grammatical errors

We provide a review form to guide constructive feedback, especially when suggesting revisions. Timely submission of reviewer reports is encouraged, and alternative deadlines can be arranged when needed.

Reviewers are expected to focus on critiquing the scientific aspects of the manuscript objectively. Feedback should conclude with one of the following recommendations:

  • Consider as Submitted,
  • Consider After Minor Revisions,
  • Consider After Major Revisions, or
  • Reject as Submitted.

However, the final decision lies with the Editor and Editor-in-Chief. 

Publication Ethics:

Peer reviewers are trusted participants in the peer review process and are expected to adhere to ethical standards. Our journal promotes transparent review policies, and any ethical concerns should be reported to the Editor-in-Chief.

Conflict of Interest:

Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest and should recuse themselves from the review process when necessary.

Dr. Hossain will be significantly contribute to the journal through the submission and publication of manuscripts falling within our scope (*subject to peer review).

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